Sunday, January 20, 2008

See your Calendar in Firefox Sidebar

Nice concept, right??... here are the quick and dirty steps to achieve this :)..

1. Log in to your Google account
2. Load up this link in a regular tab.
3. You will see a stripped down version of Google Calender
4. Now bookmark this page
5. Go to bookmark properties and check "load in sidebar"

thats it... next time you load this bookmark, you will see it in the slidebar....

Note: My observation says that if you try to use bookmark keyword for this task, it does not help, so you HAVE TO physically click / navigate to the bookmark to see it in the slide bar.

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Monday, January 14, 2008


As websites continue to become more and more AJAXified I believe
that bookmarklets are going to become a larger driving force. Some of
you may not be familiar with bookmarklets, so I was trying to
think of a good way I could explain them. When I stumbled upon the Wikipedia article I thought it couldn’t be said any better:Browsers

A bookmarklet is a small JavaScript program that can be
stored as a URL within a bookmark in most popular web browsers, or
within hyperlinks on a web page. Because Internet Explorer uses the
term favorites instead of bookmarks, bookmarklets are also less commonly called favelets by users.

Bookmarklets can be saved and used like normal web page bookmarks.
Therefore, they are simple “one-click” tools that can add
substantial functionality to the browser. For example, they can:

  • Modify the way a web page is displayed within the browser (e.g., change the font size, background color, etc.).
  • Extract data from a web page (e.g., hyperlinks, images, text, etc.).
  • Jump directly to a search engine, with the search term(s) input
    either from a new dialog box, or from a selection already made on a web
  • Submit the page to a validation service.

>> MUST SEE >> Jesse's Bookmarklets Site!!!
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Monday, January 7, 2008

My New House Photos :)

Finally, We started staying in the new house from 31st December 2007.
When i bought this flat 2 years back, I was not sure when (and also if) i am going to get a chance to stay in this house... I finally manage to get in there :) Sphere: Related Content

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

100% Microwave Cooking

100% Microwave Cooking

Very easy recipes for indian tongue (and also lack of time)

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