I am not a person who likes to write a lot and use my blog as a personal reference of good things i like on web and things which may be useful to my friends... so content-drag-drop is just what i need and that's exactly what i get from ScribeFire.
Overall, i just love this firefox extension, and believe me, without this my blog updates would have reduced to 10-15%... its too much of a pain to go to blogger, sign-in, click new post, then create the content :( Also there is no pane-view available to easily reference links / content / images!! just love it.
The latest feature "Live-Preview" is very cool.. I keep changing the color schemes of my blog so its pretty useful to check before i publish!!
One thing i am still to resolve is to setup the image upload settings for blogger, hopefully i will crack it soon :P
Happy Blogging....
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